
Sunday, 18 September 2016

My Story Review

The Girl Who Rode The Wind Review
By Stacy Gregg

There is a twelve year old girl called Lola she dreams of being a horse racer and races in the Palio. Yet she has no choice because her father says no to race in the Palio. One day her grandma stood up for her and she got to race in the Palio in Italy. She has fun and races with her friends and her favourite horse Nico. they say it's a dangerous race but that doesn’t mean anything to her. She won with some injuries. But in the end she became a professional racer like her father. The reason I like this book is because Stacy uses lots of interesting, describing words and how she sets the scene. Here is a the front cover.

My Operetta Writing

The dry ice faded across the stage, it was my turn to start marching I was nervous and excited too. When I reached the person across me the audience was staring right at us. It was quite rushed. But it was an amazing item.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Positive in the playground
Listening to everyone
And including others in the game
Your playing appropiate games
Getting a duty teacher when there is a problem you can't solve
Realising when someone feels bad
On the playground you don't litter
Using appropiate language even when your angry or say bother
Not laughing at others when they get hurt
Doing the right thing when the teacher tells you to do something

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

My Pepeha

Ngā mihinui ki a koutou
Tēnā koutou  
Ko Waikato River te awa
Ko Air New Zealand te waka
Ko Te Kohinga Marama te marae
Ko  Hamutana Rāwhiti te kura
Ko  Pippa te tumuaki
Ko  Edie me Ms O’neill taku kaiako
Ko  Sayad Hussein taku papa
Ko  Zinat Rukshana taku mama
Ko Swabeehaa Bi taku tuakana
Ko Hanzalah Hussein taku tungane
Ko Samirah ahau          
Tēnā koutou  
Tēnā koutou katoa  

My Scooter Advertisment

Today it’s your lucky day Cause today you will see this amazing sky blue scooter.Well your probably wondering what’s so amazing and brilliant about this scooter? It’s because you can super jump on it and race on it like Hussain Bolt!! This ink black scooter features fuzzy handles and skulls on the frame.Limited addition!! Hurry sale ends soon.